Orthodox daily published in Warsaw from 20 September 1929 until World War II. Dos yudishe togblat (The Jewish Daily) succeeded where previous attempts to publish an Orthodox daily in Poland had failed. One reason for the earlier failures was the unwillingness of a part of the Orthodox population, especially Hasidim, to read newspapers. The situation changed when the Gerer rebbe, Avraham Mordekhai Alter (1866–1948), accepted the concept of an Orthodox paper to counteract the influence of the Jewish secular and non-Jewish press on Jewish readers.
Dos yudishe togblat became the unofficial organ of Agudas Yisroel in Poland and reported in detail on its activities. Besides world and local news, much space was also given to the vicissitudes of Polish Jewry in an increasingly antisemitic environment. In fighting official antisemitism, the paper shared a common cause with other Yiddish papers. Dos yudishe togblat also devoted significant attention to the struggling Jewish community in Palestine.
The paper’s cultural columns concentrated on Torah scholars and Hasidic rebbes. Many were written by the “responsible editor” Shmuel Yitskhok Rothstein (1902–1977), who wrote under the pseudonym Sh. Nisenzon. Other frequent writers were the leaders of the Agudas Yisroel workers’ faction, Poyale Agudas Yisroel: Avraham Mordekhai Rogowy (1898–1942) and Binyamin Mintz (1903–1961), the latter serving as the Palestine correspondent. The editor throughout the life of the paper was the journalist and novelist David Flinker (1900–1978), who later worked in Israel and became the Israel correspondent of the Orthodox New York daily Der morgen-zhurnal (The Morning Journal). Prominent contributors included the neo-Orthodox writer Nathan Birnbaum (1884–1937) and the Yiddish poet Yisroel Emyot (1909–1978), who was observant at the time.
The last known issue of Dos yudishe togblat is dated 6 September 1939.
Shmuel Rotshteyn, “Dos yidishe togblat,” in Di yidishe prese vos iz geven, ed. David Flinker, Mordekhai Tsanin, and Shalom Rosenfeld, pp. 128–150 (Tel Aviv, 1975).