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107 results for soviet
6 pages: | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 |

Students and teachers of the music school of the
Jewish writers on the occasion of a visit by Yiddish
Passport. Oskar Rabin, 1964. Oil on canvas.
Mourners at the cemetery with the body of a young man
From Dos ketsele (The Kitten), by Leyb Kvitko. (Odessa
A tsig mit zibn tsigelekh (A Goat with Seven Kids), by
Men posing with Torahs near the ark in the prayer hall
“The Moscow State Chamber Theater on Tour around the
Iz gekumen dos fayer un farbrent dem shtekn" (Then Came
Award issued by the Institute of Jewish Proletarian
(Left to right) Bolshevik leaders Leon Trotsky,
Illustration by Yisakhar Ber Rybak from Foyglen (Birds
Victory Flag over Reichstag, Berlin. Evgenii Anan’evich
Presidium of the Institute of Jewish Proletarian
Asaf Messerer in the role of Basil in the 1928 Bolshoi
Maya Plisetskaya in the role of Odile, with Nikolai
Khaye Malke Lifshits (Ester Frumkin) in the audience (
Staff of the Paul Natan Hospital in a kolkhoz named
Yo’el Engel leading a choir at a children’s colony,
Lev Vainshtein accepting the bronze medal for

107 results for soviet
6 pages: | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 |