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1,452 total found
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Wall decoration used on Purim. Eastern Europe, 1939. The…
Four young men who put on a Purim play to raise money, O…
Avrom Morevski (left) with an unidentified actor from Ha…
Girls airing bedding at a home for girls maintained by C…
Ceremonial hall at the cemetery, built in 1900, Brno, Cz…
Priest and Jewish child in a synagogue at a ceremony to …
Come and unite in the effort to help the nation." Hebrew…
Jewish communal buildings near the railroad tracks, incl…
Exterior of the Rabbi Yitsḥak Elḥanan Spektor orphanage,…
Pages from a certificate issued by the rabbinical semina…
Members of Jewish sports clubs competing in a race, Czec…
“First Shtern assembly in Poland, Warsaw, 31 May–2 June …
Hungarian skaters Emilia Rotter and László Szollás compe…
Advertisement for Yiddish translations of German stories…
View of part of the shulhoyf (synagogue courtyard), Viln…
Refugees in a temporary shelter, Kishinev (now Chişinău,…
Kinderfraynd (Children-Friend) 4.2 (25 October 1938). Yi…
Alef-beys (Alphabet). Yisakhar Ber Rybak, 1918. Oil on c…
Match factory and residence of the Luria family, Pinsk, …
Friday Evening. Izidor Kaufmann, 1897–1898. Oil on canva…

1,452 total found
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